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What is your favourite F Word?

What is your favourite F Word?


What is your Favourite F Word?

Does F connote Food to you? Does it remind you of the importance of nourishing your body by eating complete diet?

Is it about Fun, talk of TGIF! Many 9-5 employees can relate well with this.

TGIF is not only about wanting to escape from a week-long work but it also affords one the opportunity to relax, refresh, refuel, recuperate, re-energize … by creating time for your hobbies, exercise, etc..

Does it remind you of bonding time with your family and friends, this is a noble cause because family is everything for real?

What of Forgiveness? Does F bring this to mind? Does it remind you to ask others to forgive you when you err?

Does it remind you of God, the ever Forgiving Father, does it remind you to restitute your ways and seek His forgiveness?

What of the Fatherhood of God, does it remind you of God’s Fatherhood and His largeness, the big-breasted God who gives good gifts and causes the sun to shine on all humans?

What are your other favourite F words, please?


Writer: SAsh


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