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Yippee!!! T.G.I.F 💃💃💃💃

Of all the workdays in the week, Friday comes with a sense of great relief because it’s the last day of work. For most people, the next two days would be about many activities other than work. As you look forward to the weekend, let’s address your mind status and your joy level. Your mind, being the breeding ground for thoughts that either bring joy or sadness is the devil’s main target anytime he wants to get you. And you know your mind condition has its own influence on your environment, endeavors and your beloved ones. So this article is about KNOCKING OUT the devil and his accomplice out of your life, your space and be joyful all the time.

See, there may be many reasons why you should be all gloomy this weekend; it may be your finances, health, marriage, children, career, business, disappointment, let-downs etc.; I also know you have many reasons to be joyful and all radiant as well. If you can’t easily name one, the fact that you have life, the ability to read and process this article should help you start building the list.

The enemy is all out to make you sad every second of the day and you know, your sadness is his joy. What a game!!! It has never so happened that you and the enemy are both joyful at the same time, never! It is a game of who can stay joyful by all means.
The enemy is in this game for as long as he succeeds, as long as you let him fix your mind on what is not working, what is not right and the temporary unpleasant issues.

Today, like the winner of a boxing game knocks out his contender, we admonish you to KNOCK OUT the devil out of your personal space and all that concerns you, so you can retain your joy. Give him a finishing and a final blow so that he is defeated forever. He will try even harder but you’ve got an advantage in Christ to defeat him. Nothing is as blissful as staying joyful regardless. Below, we give some guides on how you can knock the devil out:
• Remember God’s promises and let it radiate your heart.
• Practice the art of His presence – In God’s presence, there’s fullness of JOY. How liberating is it to know that we are ever with the Father and He is EMMANUEL.
• Put it to the devil as Jesus did and let him know “It is written” concerning you, your health, your marriage, your children, finances, business, etc.
• Make a list of your blessings, count them and let your heart constantly rejoice over them.
• Thank God in advance for His promises, sing and dance joyfully as you worship Him.
• Bring your request to the Father with thanksgiving in confidence and with the assurance that He hears and He will answer.
Beloved, always remember that JOY is the answer in every situation. We pray that you remain JOYful!
Writer: Adenike Leke-Akinbode

2 thoughts on “TOTAL KNOCKOUT”

  1. Nene Oche says:

    Thank you Sis! Spot on!

  2. Mimi says:

    Insightful. Thanks

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