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July will end soon – it’s halftime already but no worries I am having cake for lunch. Cakes make me happy. 😊 😊 😊

Like really, genuinely happy on such a primal level. It’s not the squeal of delight or the flutter of excitement kind of happiness. It’s the quiet kind of happiness that permeates your soul like the warmth of alcohol spreads through your veins.

I don’t even have to eat it, I just need to see it around me. It warms my heart. I think the idea of making cakes is a gift from God to foster human happiness. And the creative craftsmanship is just an icing on the cake…pun intended. From plain cakes to chocolate to cheese cake to red velvet….cake is bae.


To all the cake makers and cake craftsmen (tag as many as you can find). Thank you for filling our lives with genuine happiness. I pray the next time you make your cakes, you do not see it as just another job, another deliverable, or inventory, or even a creative opportunity. I hope you see it as a chance to make another human being happy, to be a subtle but cornerstone part of our most significant experiences in life, and to fill our hope tanks for the humdrum days.

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As you do your mid-year appraisals and evaluations, remember to take a break and eat a piece of cake.

Random Thoughts from ArielQu

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