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Predestined for This – Learning from Mary’s Motherhood
The response Mary gave Angel Gabriel when he came to deliver the news about the birth of Jesus tells the state of her mind even when in her wildest dreams she didn’t know that a moment of such experience was coming five minutes prior. Picture yourself cooking, driving, sweeping, doing the laundry or some chores and there came an appearance of an Angel foretelling about you experiencing a life event that still requires the fulfillment of one more step in the process to get there. I mean, Mary was engaged to be married, it is a given that she’d be pregnant after being married and Joseph would eventually be a father but according to predestination as God planned it, the time for the supernatural conception of our Lord Jesus was right about that time.
Mary’s Motherhood happened earlier than she and everyone else thought but what should stand out for us, is how she graciously fulfilled this mandate despite the enmity and criticisms that came with that event.
Would you say she was ready for this life?
Imagine, the instant she was told about conceiving without having intercourse with a man but by the Spirit of God, her response was that “ Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.”
In addition, while on the motherhood journey, she was faced with so much enmity.
In all this, Mary was unperturbed rather she paid attention to the events in her child’s life:
1) She took record of what the baby’s life purpose is as the Angel said.
2) After birth, the enemy was after her child to kill him. However, she followed God’s instructions on where they should go so the baby can be protected. We must be discerning, not stiff-necked about what we think, willing and ready to execute instructions concerning our children as the Lord commands us in this motherhood journey.
3) Jesus like every child had his own play agenda and went missing, Mary behaved as you and I would, she was frantic and anxious to find her child. She alongside Joseph sacrificed to journey back hundreds of miles to look for this child of promise.
4) The emotional weight from pregnancy to journeying on a camel while pregnant, to delivery and to raising a child could have been enormous but she had a willing and obedient heart.
5) There may be nothing so thrilling about raising a child that has been said to be the Savior of the world, but she stayed the course raising her family, fulfilling the usual Jewish traditions and going through life like everyone else, when it was time for Jesus to step into actual ministry, she quickened His time by asking the servants to obey whatever He asked them to do. Mary carried Jesus’ prophecy in her heart until He became an adult and when the time came, she knew it and she used the tool of obedience to facilitate the launch of His ministry.
That very child you are mothering has been destined to come through you to birth, nurture, guide, care for, raise, mentor, provide for, pray for, etc. You were appointed to do this for your child(ren). Just like the case of Mary, everything about this motherhood thing is supernatural and it is your calling. You were made for this and you’ve got capacity. Be rest assured that the Lord is with you; He has promised never to leave you nor forsake you.
According to Romans 8:28-30, All things will keep working together for your good because God foreknew you, predestined you, called you, justified you and will indeed make His glory shine in and through you on this motherhood matter. You are covered Sis. No shaking for you.
And, by the Spirit of the Lord today, I say to you as it was said to Mary “Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.”
Indeed, He is.
Grace to you and I in Jesus name. Amen.
Writer: Adenike D-light
Embracing the gift of motherhood to birth forth accurate prophecy for our seeds.