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Many times, my son would come to me, searching for something and ask ‘Mummy, where is it?’. My usual response was to ask him if and where he has searched for it. His usual response would be “Yes, mummy. I have searched everywhere and cannot find it”. Knowing where the object of the search was located, I’ll refuse to search for it. I was certain that my son had not searched thoroughly for what he was seeking. So, I would lovingly ask my son to keep searching.
I remember listening to Pastor Tolu speak about her mum, the late Pastor Bimbo Odukoya, who would tell her to ask the Holy Spirit whenever she was looking for something around the house. Wow! I love how we can free to totally rely on the Holy Spirit for everything, even the seemingly small matters.
Thinking about how I made sure my son searched until he found what he was looking for, Matt 7:7-8 was dropped in my heart. I could liken it to how God treats us Christians by asking us to search so we can find.
Matt 7:7-8: Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
This passage is full of action words, which I believe were used deliberately because there is an attached responsibility. The same way God took responsibility by sending His only son to save the lost, He expects us too to take some responsibility. The example of the woman who was looking for a coin is quite instructive. She swept all the house, called on her neighbors, lit up her lamp and engaged in a thorough search until she found the missing coin. When she found the coin, she was full of joy and called on her neighbors to rejoice with her for finding the lost coin. No wonder heaven rejoices for every soul won into the kingdom. (Luke 15:7 -10)
In Prov 24:14, we see that finding wisdom is sweet to the soul. And when it is found, you get a bright future and your hopes will never be cut off. There is joy at the end of every search but we can only have the joy if we are ready to search thoroughly.
There are many things we seek today but Jesus told us that we only need to find God to get it all. How desperate are we to find Him? Jesus said we shall find him if we seek him with all of our heart. (Jer. 29:13) It is not enough to desire God, we must seek Him to find Him.
Imagine losing your very expensive mobile phone, you would search thoroughly for it and you wouldn’t rest until you found it. Just like we would thoroughly search for the things that are important to us, God wants us to seek after Him with all our heart. God himself is seeking after souls and He desires to use each one of us to gather these souls. In order to achieve this mission, God is drawing our hearts to Himself so we could find Him and when we find Him, He can use us for His glory. God is a great rewarder and not a user.
Remember we seek by taking responsibility and taking action towards what we desire.
What do you seek?