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Compassion in Marriage
It is true that no two marriages are the same. Also, godly wisdom has taught us that there are appropriate dispositions that strengthen the bond between a husband and wife. Many times, marriage requires sacrifice that seems humanly impossible, and we may sometimes believe our partner is undeserving of it. By the virtue of living together in our unvarnished form, we are likely to hurt each other’s emotions. Most hurtful and inimical experiences couples have in marriage are inescapable. It is like the literal setting of rice and beans that are forever inseparable should they be cooked together as one dish. As much as the imperfections of one challenge the latitude the other can afford, there is also an absolute possibility that marriage can be as beautiful, glorious, fun filled and fulfilling as God purposed it to be. Increasing one’s capacity to show compassion to a spouse, is one of the scriptural principles that would help us have the blissful marriages we desire.
The scriptures have established the truth that the relationship between Christ and The Church typifies the marriage relationship between a man and woman. One element that is impossible to miss in the relationship between Christ and the church is Compassionate Love. A demonstration of love at its peak is what we received from Christ when He died in our place, and this while we were yet sinners. Even after we had expressed our faith in Him and accepted Him as our Savior, we have had our moments of shortcomings but His outstretched arms still pull us because He is full of compassion towards us. Jesus is ever before the Father interceding for the imperfect church that she might be made perfect. He has sealed believers with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption that they might be presented holy and blameless. Scriptures recorded events where He listened with compassion, replied with compassion, taught with compassion, looked upon men with compassion, and fed people with compassion. This is because LOVE has the absolute, no gain-saying capacity to win people over.
In our marriages, we daily need measures of COMPASSION. When one slips, compassion should move the other to help them stand up. When one is weak, compassion should move the other to help them regain strength. When both have divergent needs at the same time, compassion should guide one to satisfy the other’s need first. Compassion should move one to intercede for the other, to respond in love and respectfully. We should show compassion as people who got it when we didn’t deserve it. Christ will reign in a home where there is compassion because it is at the core of His being.
Just as Apostle Paul urged the people of Colossae, ‘Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.’ (Colossians 3:12) we should urge ourselves to be compassionate, so that our homes may be filled with all that is of Christ.
Grace to you and me in Jesus name.
Writer: Adenike D-light.