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Are you ready? We are running late.”
“Give me a few minutes, I will soon be done.”
“Women and their wahala! I wish all human beings are men.”
“I wish too. In short, my next life, I want God to make me a man because all this work and expectations are too much for me.”
The above was a conversation between a woman and her husband as shared with me by a friend. The reason she gave for wanting to become a man were sort of convincing but do not hold any truth in the light of God’s Word. I even almost bought into that talk of women and their wahala but on thinking of God’s Word for me, there are NO REGRETS.
From time immemorial, the society has painted pictures of limitations and presented these to women especially mothers, having them believe this should be their reality. Many women have tried to overturn these expectations and walk in the light of the truth. However, some of us still wish we were men. Can you imagine that? I know these thoughts are motivated by the heavy burden of having to care for the home, take care of the children, be excellent at work place and still have to report for the “other room duty”. In all, there are NO REGRETS. It is such a huge privilege to be called a mother.
Do you know the enormous power you have as a woman and much more as a mother? The devil is very aware of this truth, as clearly as he knows that Jesus is Lord. This explains why he does everything from when a girl child is born to truncate the future of this world changer. You hear of sexual abuse, emotional trauma, heartbreak, delay in marriage, infertility etc, all of which primarily affect the girl child and can potentially keep her from becoming the mother of a nation tomorrow.
No jokes at all! A mother is the fundamental resource in every home, society and nation. It can be successfully debated anywhere! The tenacity and strength she has can level down a mountain, sometimes by using just her words. Her patience with her children and those around her is like that of the father of the prodigal son as he waited for his lost son to return. Inherent in every mother is the ability to turn every stone to bread. What about her wisdom? The best psychologists are yet to fathom it. A mother has depth!!!
Are you still wondering, regretting and complaining about why you are the one who carries the world on your head? Oh no, you are missing a key insight. You do not need to carry it all alone because Jesus has got your back. NO REGRETS!!!
This is a clarion call for every mother, including myself, who has forgotten the potentials we are blessed with. Make a commitment today to leverage on your inherent ability. One thing we can start with is the use of our words to bless and build the lives that surround us. Add to it the power of your touch, the content of your thoughts, the graciousness of your presence, the sweetness of your wisdom and the creativity of your potentials.
Which are you willing to leverage today? As for me, there are NO REGRETS!!! I am a woman, a mother, a world Changer, a Nation Builder and even more. I cannot stop thanking God for these privileges. NO REGRETS!!!
Do share with us in the comments which of these you are willing to leverage on. We are in this together.

Writer: Sandra Onojetah

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