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I was born into a loving family, and was exposed to luxury very early in life. I became industrious and got to catch up with my life and what I desired to do so early, so I plunged myself into it. I also met my loving husband while doing my business and we became partners. We were able to build a conglomerate and it was flourishing so well. We loved the way our family life was progressing, our kids are blessed. I loved my husband and he also loved me dearly.
Until death caught up with him and snapped him away from his loving family. I was devastated at this point and was in intense pain. It hurt so badly: I had lost my best friend and partner. Still groping in my pain, here comes his family that we labored so hard to take care of together. They claimed that they owned all the properties we both possessed, as he is their son.
Considering the fact we both built this conglomerate together, I was left with nothing but my kids as the family and friends robbed all of it from me as I was a woman and no one stood up for me.
God brought this judge around the neighbourhood where I moved to with my kids to.
I figured I had nothing to lose, so I decided to fight for what belonged to me.
I went to meet the judge and I was not allowed into his home by the security guards. So I waited all day at his gate to see him come out through the gate, that I may have the opportunity to tell him my plight and avenge me of my enemies. He finally drove out of his majestic building and slide down the car window to know what I was looking for, I explained all to him and he told me to come back.
I went the next day to wait and still, he said the same thing. It became a duty to resume at his gate for a month, and still got no attention.
At a point, he would drive by without rolling down his car window, but I never gave up. I still woke up and went again the next day. Gradually, I was getting tired of going. I felt ashamed, like I was being mocked. I realized I had no one to turn to and he was the only one to help out of my predicament, the kids were also getting weary with the way we were living.
I made up my mind that for the sake of my children, I would keep going to the judge, until he listens and gives me his attention to avenge me.
One fateful day when I rose so early to resume at his gate, here comes the judge out of the house, all by himself this time not in his car, and asked when I will stop coming to his house. I said until he avenges me of my enemies. Immediately, he said to his personal assistant, I have to attend to this poor widow before she wears me out with her persistence.
I was so glad I never gave up! Right before my eyes, all arrangements were made to avenge me speedily, I mean speedily. With tears, I was grateful and thanked him immensely.
I believe you already know who she is, yes you got it, and she is the widow in Luke 18:1-8.
And at the end of the story Jesus said: “nevertheless when the son of man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
That is the question.
Faith is not just believing but committing to back up your faith with action and never give up. Hold on to the word God has given you, keep confessing it in the face of adversity and never give up. Men and women of faith hold on to the word with their lives without losing it.
Commit to praying with your faith and not fainting
Writer: Faith Oyebade