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ILDP Spiritual Stage Assessment
This assessment will be used in placing you within your Discipleship Cohort in DDK’s Intensive Leadership Development and Spiritual Discipleship Program (ILDP).
Please fill it honestly, then take a screenshot of your results. You can upload your results by clicking the button below (please complete your assessment first)
Frequently Asked Questions
You will be added to the Spiritual Child cohort. This is because there are some principles within this stage that you still need to master
We strongly believe that a robust approach is utilised in placing you in the right cohort. The aim of the assessment and the Discipleship cohort is to ensure there is a well-rounded spiritual growth from one stage to the other. We would strongly encourage you to stay in the Spiritual Infant cohort
What if I am placed in a Spiritual Grandparent and I want to be in the Spiritual Young Adult Cohort?
We strongly believe that a robust approach is utilised in placing you in the right cohort. The aim of the assessment and the Discipleship cohort is to ensure there is a well-rounded spiritual growth from one stage to the other. We would however permit you to access the Young Adult stage since the stage is some steps before your current stage