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Mentoring Conference with DDK - OAU Edition - Indication of Interest to Serve/Volunteer

Good News Beloved!!!

The Mentoring Conference with Pastor Debola Deji-Kurunmi (DDK) will hold at OAU Campus (date will be communicated later)
Guess what? You have an opportunity to get front row seats in this move of God!
How? You may ask. Through your Partnership!
-Mark 9:35 (Voice Translation)-

God is counting on you to plug in to His move and turn on the switch by choosing to be a part of organising and coordinating this conference.  

The goal is to excellently create an environment for Sons and Daughters to gather together to be taught, strengthened, refreshed, restored and set ablaze to live for Christ and advance God’s Kingdom Agenda.

Sub-Units that require volunteers at the Mentoring Conference Campus Edition

We trust that you will partner honourably with God!
Please fill the form below to choose your preferred team and note that your physical presence is required at the Mentoring Conference.