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Heavenly Portals Meeting

A Worship, Miracles and Commissioning Meeting by the Holy Spirit to release God’s Supernatural Healing Power!

Two years ago, on Sunday, 5th June 2021, the Lord gave us a burden to convene Prophetic Worship Gatherings where He would open Heavenly Portals into our own spiritual portals, as He continues to strengthen the placement of His Church to solve enigmas in the world, and confront the Agenda of Satan against Humanity.

He said, “Convene a prophetic worship gathering under the inspiration and instruction of the Holy Spirit that brings my sons and daughters into an anointed atmosphere to receive heavenly blueprints, extraordinary supernatural solutions, and divine mandates for the Decade. I am activating and releasing next-level, trans-generational grace upon my visionaries, to birth and build astonishing signs, miracles, and wonders that will shift humanity into its finest evolutions – so that My Will is done on earth just as it is in Heaven.”

Our Heavenly Father promised mighty visitations, divine answers, revelatory insights, unprecedented ideas, unusual concepts, and supernatural instructions from Heaven to Earth. 

Everyday saints will be given blueprints to create solutions to our world’s toughest challenges across all mountains of influence, as they advance His Kingdom Agenda. 

Since receiving this Mandate, we have held two annual editions of Heavenly Portals Meeting, bringing together thousands of saints across the world in both in-person and virtual attendance, to partake of the Lord’s Feast of Spirit and Word only.

Themed “COMMISSIONED”, Heavenly Portals’ Meeting 2023 is a Worship, Miracles, and Commissioning Service where:

HPM 2023

At this Convening, we will also witness the ordination of new Ministry Leaders at Kingdom Leaders Global Alliance who are coming into the new tenure of service within our ministry. 

Heavenly Portals Meeting will hold (online and onsite) by 9:30am WAT on Saturday, 26 August 2023. 

Men and Women are invited to join us. 

HPM 2023 was held on Saturday, 26 August. Registration for this meeting has closed.

Our Ministers

Pastor Dele Osunmakinde

Pastor Debola Deji-Kurunmi

Minister Sunmisola Okeleye

Minister David Nkennor

Heavenly Portals Meeting
Heavenly Portals Meeting
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